The fact that there is no requirement to leave a setback distance from the neighboring parcel boundary is considered as a direct input to the design process. A Wall, in which some of the basic service units of the embassy complex (Entrance Control, Vize Veznesi, Carpark) is located and extends continuously in the East-West direction to describe the neighboring parcel boundary. The Wall, which extends to the short borders of the site, also describes the safety-control points where all pedestrian and vehicle traffic is controlled. At the same time, the Wall provide daylight to the workshop located on the basement floor by the help of the space in itself.
It can be said that there are basically two advantages of placing the security points on the same line in the opposite walls. The first one is that vehicle traffic move linearly on the Representation and Event days, when it is expected to be used intensively. Therefore, the density of traffic decreased by heading directly from the entrance to the other door. The second one is that the door on eastern boundary is assigned to the daily use of the Embassy Residence.
The visa offices is located close to the main entrance control point in order not to disrupt the embassy work routine by the guests who come for the visa application At the same time, the waiting area created to wait for the visit at the entrance point is also proposed to decrease the intensity within the embassy.
The embassy working spaces are basically organized in two masses. The Embassy Office covers the Consular Authority and the entrance connecting these two and welcoming area. The entrance connecting the units can be opened directly to the outside and allows an activity inside to extend outside when necessary. Activity spaces is arranged on the lower level of entrance area. Thus, both the guest and the Embassy Office can directly connect to the green area.
Year: 2016
Location: Çankaya, Ankara, Turkey
Employer: Embassy of Bangladesh
Program: Embassy Office/ Lodgement
Construction Area: 8000 m²
Statute: Concept
Project Team: Semra Uygur, Özcan Uygur, Fatih Yavuz, Emre Şavural, İbrahim Yavuz, Ege Çakır, Baran Ekinci
with Uygur Mimarlık
FREA | Projects | EMBASSY OF PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF BANGLADESH, The key point of the project is to create two ground levels. The units with different characteristics (working, events, and hosting areas) associate with these ground levels by taking advantage of the 6 meter elevation difference on the site; thus, the design aims at public and private spaces having a direct relation with the outdoors., Mimarlık, Tasarım, Mühendislik, Kentsel Tasarım, Fatih Yavuz, Emre Şavural